Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
— SEO, Social Media, & Content Marketing
— Graphic & Digital Design
— Branding & Logo Design
— Email & Mobile Marketing
Technology & Development
— Software, Web, & Mobile App Development
— AI & Machine Learning
— Blockchain & Cloud Consulting
Business & Support Services
— Sales & Customer Support
— HR & Admin Support
— Accounting & Business Consulting
Creative & Media
— Video Production & Animation
— Media Buying & Planning
— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.

Balfin Real Estate
We enable B2B companies to develop stronger relationships and make the most out of technology to stay competitive along their digital journey. Digital technologies have changed the way we live, work and do business, urging companies to reshape themselves and put new structures and strategies at their core. It’s a very exciting time to work on the digital side of your business! Consalta is an internationally renowned business enablement consultancy specializing in helping technology companies build their Cloud go-to-market strategy and differentiate their cloud solution offering through: CLOUD BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEMAND & LEAD GENERATION PARTNER CHANNEL DEVELOPMENT Our consultants have 15+ years of experience in sales and management roles in the technology industry and a track record of 1000+ satisfied clients. We strive to give every business the opportunity to grow and build their digital DNA with tailor made consultancy and engagements. We offer a set of services that are focused on your business needs and achieving the growth you're looking for./nREAD MORE..."}

EUROPA Real Estate
Slovenia Business Consulting – SBC è un marchio registrato a livello europeo, sviluppato e rappresentato dalla società Neto d.o.o.. Insieme al gruppo di partnership consolidate con studi professionali (legali, commercialisti, specialisti per l’ottenimento di finanziamenti, ricerche mercato ecc.), grazie all’esperienza pluriennale e ai contratti di collaborazione con enti statali, abbiamo raggiunto il nostro obiettivo: offrire un servizio professionale e completo per l’avvio, l’internazionalizzazione o la delocalizzazione delle idee imprenditoriali a persone fisiche, professionisti, enti e persone giuridiche europee. I 3.000 clienti sodisfatti al nostro attivo, di cui l’85% italiani, dimostrano che lavoriamo bene, che siamo trasparenti, onesti, professionali, rapidi e capaci di sviluppare le richieste dei clienti, rispondendo a tutte le esigenze in lingua italiana. La SBC non rappresenta solo un studio di consulenza, di commercialisti, esperti fiscali o legali, bens? un punto di riferimento per chi sta intraprendendo una decisione strategica per lo sviluppo della propria attività all’estero. Il nostro team di consulenti professionali pu? attualmente contare con orgoglio su un’anagrafica di 3.000 clienti sodisfatti, rappresentati e seguiti dalla SBC sia sul mercato sloveno che croato, che hanno cos? potuto usufruire di tutti i vantaggi fiscali e burocratici senza perdere energia e tempo per la gestione burocratica./nREAD MORE...
Atol Business Solutions was established in 2004 in Slovenia, EU and is the headquarters of the Produs Global Growth Network - ? PGN with centres in EU (Poland, Austria and UK) and Middle East (Dubai) with many more to come. The headquarters and the centres support ? PGN members - local-savvy consulting companies from a number of industry sectors who execute global projects as one team with a single model of operation and the same process. The sales system and Produs Agile Implementation Methodology (PAIM) are sourced, tested, and proven by Atol's numerous successful projects throughout its history. Find out more: https://www.slideshare.net/AtolBusinessSolutions/atol-global-business-development-solutions We have successfully completed more than 80 international projects from 12 industries with the participation of more than 500 sales & technical professionals. What a company owns matters less than what it can connect!/nREAD MORE..."}

SIBIZ business service Ltd. brings together a group of experts and consultants specializing in corporate business, consulting, and migration services to foreign companies and individual investors entering the EU and Republic of Slovenia market./n /nWe pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions to our clients./n /nOur clients trust us to analyze complex issues and provide quality rigorous assessments across all stages of the business cycles and address the issues faced by companies expanding to Slovenia. We provide a full range of consulting, project management, and business migration services to meet the needs of individual clients and private companies. Our team will help you tackle some of the most challenging issues in your business and private matters quickly and efficiently./n /nWe are deeply rooted in our home country. Close cooperation with local partners reflects our belief that recognition of the local culture and differences is a key success factor in producing value for our clients./n /nWe help our clients to work smarter and grow faster with the aim is to support you in designing, managing/nand executing lasting beneficial change./n /nWe work primarily in the Republic of Slovenia, but also provide services to our clients in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, and Monte Negro./nREAD MORE...

Homeland Real Estate
Unija accounting house is present in the international area - in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine and Romania. We provide our clients the highest level of services as: • Accounting • Consultancy (Tax, Accounting, Legal, Business and Financial) • Payroll • Unija App (for paperless business) • Expanding business Our main competences are: • Complete accounting services in all the regions • High level of tax counselling and safety for our clients • High professional competence • Unija App (paper-free business) • Certificates and Acknowledgements • The Institute of Accounting – Educating the best Our clients include companies of all sizes, independent contractors, institutions, societies and other non profit organizations with various spheres of activities and yet joined in their common need for quality accounting services. They all seek to rely on a trustworthy partner that follows closely their business and offers guidance aimed at achieving regulatory compliant and economic operations./nREAD MORE...
HappyHome.al - Real Estate
M? - Consulting & Fairs offers quality consulting services for foreign companies interested in doing business in Slovenia, Croatia, the Balkan region, Turkey and Latin America. We are also specialized in representing Italian fairs and other International Fair Organizers in Alpe-Adria Region (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania), Turkey and Latin America. The organization of the incoming of foreign buyers to the fairs can be entrusted to M? Consulting & Fairs, that has a wide experience in this area./nREAD MORE...
Tirana Real Estate
SOVA ltd. is a company established in 1989, focusing on accounting and tax consultancy services. Being in the business for 30 years, we are very aware how important the knowledge and information technology are if you want to keep ahead. Accountants are important company co-creators, who need to enrich the accounting information in real time and offer the clients data and analysis, which are essential in everyday business processes, as they present key information for making strategic decisions. /nREAD MORE...
Century 21 Bond
IMS INVEST doo was founded in 1999 as part of the reorganization of profit centers of companies within the IMS GROUP. Initially, IMS INVEST's primary activity was the construction of rental business facilities. In 2001, IMS INVEST expanded its business to road construction, the production of polymer modified bitumen based on BP technology, and to the production of composite bitumen - low temperature bitumen based on Sasobit - Sasol technology./nREAD MORE..."}
Remax Infinity Tirane
The company SMM Ltd. was founded in 1990, established by the Metallic dd from Maribor (SLO) and Schiess AG, Düsseldorf (D) under the name Schiess-Metal doo . The shareholding of Schiess AG was acquired in 1993 by the Doerries-Scharmann AG (D) group. After 1995, the existing shareholders took over the business interests and registered the company name./nREAD MORE...
Albrealproperty Ltd
One of the key activities of the company is the sale of aircraft. The Automodern company, which is part of the Egmont Group holding company, is the official distributor of Diamond Aircraft, Enstrom Helicopter, Trixy Aviation companies and also provides the aircraft maintenance services as well as spare parts and components./nREAD MORE...