Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
— SEO, Social Media, & Content Marketing
— Graphic & Digital Design
— Branding & Logo Design
— Email & Mobile Marketing
Technology & Development
— Software, Web, & Mobile App Development
— AI & Machine Learning
— Blockchain & Cloud Consulting
Business & Support Services
— Sales & Customer Support
— HR & Admin Support
— Accounting & Business Consulting
Creative & Media
— Video Production & Animation
— Media Buying & Planning
— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.

Fidelity consulting Podgorica
Fidelity consulting je konsultantska kompanija iz Podgorice koja je usko specijalizovana za oblast finansija. Bavimo se odnosima sa bankama upravljanjem finansijama kao i poreskim i poslovnim savjetovanjem. Mi smo pravi izbor za Vas ukoliko \u200delite da radite sa strucnjacima koji: 1. posjeduju profesionalne reference i integritet 2. posjeduju strucne kompetencije 3. pru\u200daju objektivne savjete 4. tretiraju klijente na fer nacin poڑtujuci privatnost. U cilju ostvarenja vaڑih poslovnih planova koristimo znanje i iskustvo koje smo stekli u viڑegodiڑnjem radu u vodecim finansijskim institucijama u Crnoj Gori pomoci cemo Vam da ostvarite najpovoljnih uslova finansiranja i sveukupnih odnosa sa bankama. U radu sa klijentima primjenjujemo individualizovan pristup kako bi postavili optimalno rjeڑenje koje ce zadovoljiti sve strane u postupku obzirom na specificnosti svakog pojedinacnog predmeta. Prilikom pripremanja paketa usluga naڑi strucnjaci ce zajedno sa Vama odrediti ono ڑto je Vama potrebno u cilju odobravanja sredstava restrukturiranja kredita ili sni\u200davanja finansijskih troڑkova. Detaljna analiza operativnog poslovanja kompanije daje objektivan pogled na kompaniju I u okviru usluga poslovnog savjetovanja bice nam zadovoljstvo da pripremimo akcioni plan sa jasnim mjerama za poboljڑanje ukupne efikasnosti poslovanja Vaڑe kompanije. Kao tim koji je direktno radio na analiziranju brojnih biznis planova i studija odr\u200divosti u prilici smo da ponudimo pripremu jasnih biznis planova i studija odr\u200divosti. Tako pripremljeni materijali ce na najbolji nacin odslikavati Vaڑe potrebe za sredstvima sa jedne istovremeno uva\u200davajuci konkretne zahtjeve banaka prilikom odobravanja sredstava sa druge strane. Posvjecujemo posebnu pa\u200dnju savjetovanju gradana prilikom komunikacije i odabira poslovne banke. Dodatno za gradane planiramo i pripremamo licni bud\u200det uz sagledavanje odlicnih investicionih prilika.
Racunovodstvene usluge - Knjigovodja vodjenje glavne knjige analiticka evidencija salda konta listinzi otvorenih stavki obracun poreza na dodatu vrednost vodjenje poreskih evidencija popis i obracun amortizacije osnovnih sredstava izrada zavrڑnog racuna izrada medugodiڑnjih bilansa vodjenje blagajne obracun plata obracun socijalnih doprinosa obracun ugovora o djelu i autorskih honorara knji\u200denje maloprodaje vodenje racunovodstva po troڑkovnim mestima i projektima izradu statistike finansijskih racuna vodjenje platnog prometa obracun kamata pripremu dokumentacije za dobijanje bankarskih pozajmica izradu predloga kompletnog reڑenja vaڑeg racunovodstva izradu predloga racionalizacije ostalih postupaka povezanih sa racunovodstvom razne druge knjigovodstvene usluge po \u200delji klijenta.
Djukic DOO | ذukic DOO
Family held accounting agency Djukic DOO has been in business since 1990 and has successfully outsourced works regarding accounting and financial for small and middle size companies in south Montenegro. We offer assistance in company registration worker s salaries hiring and firing the staff tax applications tax returns and everything else regarding finance in our country. We cooperated with business from different branches ranging from construction and engineering to tourism and nightclubs. Our vast experience can help you in establishing your company as well as managing it with fewer costs and tax obligations.
Report doo je privredno druڑtvo osnovano 2008. godine u Podgorici sa ciljem pru\u200danja profesionalnih usluga iz oblasti finansija i racunovodstva. Preciznost odgovornost i a\u200durnost su naڑi glavni atributi koje posti\u200demo zahvaljujuci pouzdanom timu i poslovnom programu koji je u skladu sa zakonskim propisima. Report Ltd. is a company founded in 2008 in Podgorica with the aim of providing professional services in the field of finance and accounting. Precision responsibility and accountability are our main attributes that we achieve with a reliable team and a business program that is in accordance with legal regulations.

Bencom d.o.o
InCuca Tech is an IT company specialized in providing Tailored Solutions and developing high quality customized websites./n????????????????????????/nBased in Florian?polis, also known as the Brazilian Silicon Valley, our team of developers and designers are trained to provide the solution that best suits you: this includes developing, managing, or maintaining your Blogs, Mobile Apps, Softwares, and E-shops. Our work is to facilitate and systematize your processes in order to allow you to focus on what you do the best!/n????????????????/nWe work hard to make the internet a friendlier place, that’s why we do not only care about our clients but also about our final users. In order to achieve this goal, we will get as close as possible to your needs./n????????????????/nOur services include:/nFront-end, Back-end and Full Stack Web development and Integration/nE-commerce with WooCommerce/nSEO/nWeb application/nMobile Application Development/nCustom Software Services and IT consulting/nUX/UI Design Development/nBlog Development & Improvements/nHosting & Maintenance
OTIS Finance
Under the pioneering leadership of Dr. Nasser S. Bin Kadasah, NSK Consultants delivers inclusive growth and significant development. In 2006, we began leading and fostering business success for local and foreign businesses, by developing emerging companies and projects. Our consultants help companies analyze the Saudi market, impale it and develop their businesses. To achieve Vision 2030, we facilitate the transfer of technology and the know-how to the Saudi market. NSK Consultants empowers investors to invest in Saudi Arabia, to capture the greatest opportunities and effectively mitigate the associated risks. We provide bespoke business support solutions that can make all the difference. /nOUR SERVICES/nNSK Consultants offers a broad spectrum of industrial, financial, consulting, and support solutions services to help businesses achieve their goals. Services we offer include:/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/nREAD MORE...

ME Consulting
IRSAA is the first professional company of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to offer business process services and provide comprehensive solutions from consulting to complete outsourcing. /nIRSAA offers a broad spectrum of services ranging from Accounting & Bookkeeping, Human Resources & Payroll Processing and Policy & Procedure Development to essential consultancy services in Strategy Formalization & Planning, Business Development, Performance Evaluation, Organization Structuring, Business Process Mapping and Documentation. IRSAA also has significant experience and skills in establishing and developing policies and procedures with focus on best practices and effective controls in the areas of Standard Operating Manuals, Quality Assurance & Self-Assessments, Risk Management, Compliance and Corporate Governance. /nWe offer our services to our clients in accordance with professional standards, with the highest quality, and with customized solutions to suit their specific business requirements without straining the clients' resources./nOur management team is lead by well diversified and experienced individuals in a wide range of industrial, financial and business fields. It is composed of professionals including experienced Finance Managers, expert Accountants, Human Resource specialists and expert Strategic & Business Process Developers that cater to clients’ needs and meet their expectations."}
Unija Smart Accounting Crna Gora
Knjigovodstvena agencija Unija je medunarodna racunovodstvena kuca koju odlikuju visokokvalitetne racunovodstvene i konsultantske usluge i napredna IT rjeڑenja. Za optimizaciju poslovanja naڑih klijenata razvili smo napredni sistem racunovodstva Unija Smart Accounting. To je racunovodstvo nove generacije koje povezuje kljucne usluge kao ڑto su: racunovodstvo IT rjeڑenja i savjetovanje. Naprednom obradom podataka naڑim klijentima pru\u200damo pouzdan uvid u prilagodene izveڑtaje koji su moderna podrڑka u njihovom poslovnom odlucivanju. Odabirom racunovodstvene kuce Unija dobijate sveobuhvatnu podrڑku na jednom mestu u cijeloj regiji.
Law Firm Jovovic, Mugosa & Vukovic
Sciant is an IT solutions development partner serving specific industry sectors including Travel and Hospitality, Logistics and Transport, Fintech and Banking, working worldwide for both large enterprises and fast-growth startups./nSciant develops technical solutions including big data and business intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain, and forms robust and compliant integrations and interfaces, for new digital platforms and legacy systems./nEstablished in 2016, Sciant is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, with offices in Plovdiv and Yambol, Bulgaria and Tirana, Albania.
Infolab DOO
With our headquarters in Limassol, Cyprus, Advance Career Ltd provides superior recruitment services for both locally based and international companies within the domestic sector. Advance Career brings a fresh and innovative approach to recruitment services, acting as liaison between the candidate and the client. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of every client and candidate by offering outstanding customer service, the utmost confidentiality and understanding the needs of both parties.