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Land Tech Jobs with Realistic Job Simulations. DIGGIT turns the crushing job hunt into an ? inspiring journey of personal growth. Try tech jobs. Measure skills. Get feedback. Get hired. • Real Work Samples (NO Generic Algorithm Questions) • Apply with Verified Skills (NO CVs & Kiss-Up Cover Letters) • Feedback From Top Devs (NO Ghosting & Generic Rejections) Long Term – Bridging the Gap between Industry & Education: There’s a growing gap between industry and education. You feel it every time you apply. Your skills don’t seem to matter. At least not at first. You need a perfect track record to get your foot in the door. We began our journey at the University of Agder working under the e-learning expert & physics professor Per-Henrik Hogstad. Ever since we’ve dedicated our lives to radically improving education. First as a research team. And eventually after getting backed by the Research Council of Norway as a company. As we built our first prototypes of a learning platform it soon became evident that a major bottleneck needs to be solved first before other aspects of education can be dealt with successfully... 01. Bridge the Gap – 02. Improve Education: To improve education we first need to bridge the gap. The gap that you feel right now. The gap between industry and education. Why? The reasons are many. Here’s a few of the top ones: 1) Without clear input from industry students are stuck with unrealistic expectations. This creates a mismatch between supply and demand which in turn force highly educated stuents to take low-paying jobs. 2) Increasing automation requires more rapid adjustment of curriculums. To do so the state of industry plus a prediction of it’s future demands needs to be accounted for faster & better. Bridging this gap is a technically challenging systemic problem. And as a deep tech team we love that. It s might not be the easiest problem in the world. But it s definitely a problem worth solving.