Tokyo’s creative copywriting and communications consultancy. Specialising in Japan, we help business craft and tailor powerful content./nThe Smith & Edit story begins with a goal of helping clients communicate effectively into and out of Japan./nWe provide quality English copywriting, localisation and strategic public relations consulting. Frustrated by the lack of local options for those seeking fresh content to grow their audiences, we occupy a unique space that sits between monopolising agencies and purely digital outfits./nStraightforward and effective, we offer the access and cross-border insight of larger competitors, delivered as a personal service working to your needs and deadlines./nWe operate across consumer, lifestyle, technology and industry sectors and with clients from market entry startups to established brands after fresh direction./nAbout you/nYou are unique, but guess what? So are your competitors. You know your business goals, but what's the story you need to tell? Is it a CEO you need to reach, or their gadget-loving teenager?/nIn a world of echo chambers and information overload, you need credibility, personality and brand values squeezed into every word to make your voice persuade more than all others./nYou're looking for crisp content that brings your business to life. You're wondering how to localise it. You need to get it in the hands of journalists, noticed by search engines and read by humans./nYou need an easy-to-follow communications strategy that prioritises your growing to-do list, lays out practical next steps and evaluates results to keep you learning and your business winning./nDon't copy and paste; Smith & Edit."}