BDG is a sales- and marketing consultancy specialized on bringing foreign businesses and their products into the German market. With a team of 43+ experts, we help with lead generation, marketing preparation, targets identification, matchmaking and even key account management as powerful after-sales-service. /nOur main business areas are: /nSoftware & IT/nMechanical & Engineering/nFood & Beverages/nDesign & Retail/nBut we have worked in many areas and had more than 250 projects over the last 18 years!/nOur core-services include: /nBDG Sales Process -> a comprehensive sales programme for Germany/nBDG Distributor Serach -> the way to find a new distributor/nG-M-R-I -> a method to measure the degree of entry-readiness into Germany/nBDG Incorporation -> if a legal entity is needed, we know how/nBDG Country Management -> we take care of Germany for you!/nWe are fully DIN ISO 9001_2015 certified and signatory of the UN Global Compact.