
VOID Software

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LookInAR, Kyiv, Ukraine. We are here, and we are still waiting for someone with a huge and incredible idea that will change the world with the help of Augmented and Virtual Reality. Maybe, it's you?/nWe create:/ncross-platform mobile apps(Unity)/ndesktop applications (Unity or Unreal Engine 4)/n3D and 2D content/nServices we provide: /nAugmented Reality Development/nVirtual Reality Development/nMobile app Development/nMobile game Development/n3D modeling and animation/nR&D in AR, VR, MR/nOur Expertise in AR/nMarker AR (EasyAR, Vuforia, Wikitude)/nMarkerless AR (ARKit, ARCore)/nWeb AR /nDesktop AR /nInstagram, Facebook AR (Spark AR)/nOur Expertise in VR/nDesktop VR (HTC Vive, Sony Play Station)/nStandalone VR (Oculus Quest, Go)/nMobile VR /nWeb VR /nFileds we cover/nBusiness/nCulture and Art/nFMCG/nE-Commerce/nMilitary/nGovernment /nReal-estate/nEntertainment/nIndustry/nTechnologies we use: /n1. AR: ARKit, ARCore, EasyAR, Vuforia, SparkAR/n2. VR: Oculus, HTC Vive, Sony Playstation VR/n3. Mobile: Swift, C#, C++, Java, MySQL, Jason, three.js, Babylon/n4. 3D/2D : Photoshop, 3DS Mask, Figma, Houdini, Marmoset, Marvelous, Pano2VR, Substance Painter, ZBrush"}


AR/VR Development
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development
Data Analytics
Blockchain Development
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