2 Fish is a small graphic design, web design and visual communications studio serving clients in Harrisonburg Virginia, Wilmington Delaware and beyond./n We are graphic/web designers who love to produce beautiful things. But as any designer worth his salt will tell you, it takes more than good looks to convert onlookers into paying customers. That's why we take a holistic approach to web design that takes into account all the different elements of a successful website, not just the look of it./n Small business owners are celebrities in our eyes. Not in the sense of how we typically view (and idolize) celebrities, but rather in how we feel they are worthy of our attention, admiration and support because of their achievements and contributions to the communities in which their businesses live. For these reasons we admire and appreciate business owners, and have dedicated our livelihood to serving their communication design needs, helping them grow their businesses, support their families, and enrich their communities.