Merkeleon was established in 2009 as an online auction and trading platform development company. Constantly enhancing experience, implementing new features, and improving existing technologies, we have drastically evolved since then and share our knowledge and expertise with customers./n Merkeleon team members — developers, managers, designers, QA engineers, and so on — all emphasize long-term fair relationships with business partners. /n Our primary goal is to provide utmost security, comprehensive user experience, and decent support. Only then are we satisfied with the result, when our partners are content with Merkeleon software./n For more than 10 years, Merkeleon has helped its clients launch online businesses or implement new features into existing ones. /n We provide turnkey software for building e-trading platforms, online auctions, and crypto environments. Merkeleon assists your implementation at every stage, from the development to the final launch, striving to implement solutions that facilitate routine tasks./n If you have ideas, our team will be delighted to realize them by customizing our white label software for your business model. Due to proven flawless processes, you win advanced efficiency and reduced costs./n If you have questions, you can always contact experienced Merkeleon specialists who will help you decide what project to start, what you need for that, how to legalize and promote it.