We eliminate the technological friction to help you unlock and demonstrate value to your customers./nSPEEDNET is an agile technology consultancy and software development partner working predominantely in financial and educational verticals. We're a top of mind software agency for banking, fintech, insurtech and edtech, supporting decision makers in delivering complex software solutions./nCompanies work with SPEEDNET when they:/nAre looking for a vetted partner with hands-on experience in their industry/nMust deliver a project that exceeds current team’s expertise or required velocity/nAre looking for a value-for-money solution to impact the bottom line/nWe deliver:/ntechnical consulting /nproduct design/nweb/mobile development/nWhat sets us apart?/nKnowledge & Experience in the Industry/nWith 20+ years on the scene, we understand the financial/insurance/edtech verticals and provide relevant advisory and delivery that bring best ROI. Our recipe for successful IT projects is professional and motivated development teams built around exceptional technical expertise and relevant experience. /nPartnership & Transparency /nWorking with Speednet is like having a partner that’s a part of your team. Majority of our clients are with us 5+ years and we know how to translate our partnership relations to additional value to their customers. We take responsibility for commitments, hen we say we’re going to do something, we do it – it's as simple as that. We believe that transparency, honesty and open communication are crucial to build a true partnership. /nRelations & Teamwork /nSkilled and motivated employees deliver results that exceed expectations. Happy employee = happy customer, it’s as simple as that. 65% of #TeamSpeednet are senior consultants, giving you the peace of mind that your project is well taken care of and on stays top of the risks./n If you have a requirement you’d like to discuss with technical experts, schedule a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit to help."}