Arcana Software Development LLC
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
Our company has been working in the field of programming since 2009 and has significant organizational experience in the field of outstaffing, which is necessary for remote team management. By concluding a remote cooperation agreement, you will be able to set general and individual tasks for each of our IT specialists, and establish extensive feedback with the project manager or business units. Our company assumes all responsibilities for the search and maintenance of personnel, freeing your attention to the essence of business processes and company development. To do this, we use remote project management and collaboration services, we apply a modern approach to planning with clear tasks and clear responsibilities of specialists. Documentary support, tax and personnel records also completely fall on our shoulders. By choosing cooperation with our company, you will be able to transfer to our specialists some of the functions of your IT department. We will immediately connect you to the means of remote management of the outstaffing team, and you can evaluate and adjust the direction of the work of the entire team or individual specialists at any time.