BEYOND PROVIDES TRUSTED ADVICE, DATA SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SERVICES TO ASSIST OUR CLIENTS TO PUT THEIR DATA TO WORK/n Our clients are Mid-tier to Large data rich organisations across both B2B and B2C sectors including Retail, Financial Services, Travel and Transport, Healthcare and Logistics./nThey are looking to both optimise and transform their businesses, whether it be improving productivity or existing revenue, improving the customer experience or developing new business platforms or models. Our clients are seeking to drive these business outcomes through making data driven business decisions, be that across strategic planning, sales and marketing, commercial, operations, risk or property./n To meet these challenges they need; sector and business context expertise; deep technical engineering expertise; world class data science and machine learning; a collaborative partner that will drive data literacy across their business; a technology agnostic approach to work with their current systems; and hands on experience of delivering solutions that brings value./nbeyond: Putting Data to Work delivers on these needs:/n - beyond provide trusted and impartial advice/n - beyond focus relentlessly on commercial/ financial outcomes, /n - beyond design and deliver pragmatic solutions /n - beyond bring previous experience from hands on practice ensuring speed to market. /nbeyond is a data technology and service provider that delivers decision intelligence and decision engineering capabilities powered by data analytics and artificial intelligence competencies across the breadth of your business. beyond delivers at pace, sustainable business performance improvements across value, cost, quality, service, risk and speed.