Avemac Consulting
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
Avemac Consulting is an entrepreneurial, technology driven solutions development company focused on data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence for natural language processing, topic extraction and time-series regression./nWe partner with clients to deliver cost effective and reliable engineering solutions that increase revenues and enhance products and services. The work product we provide is wholly owned by our clients upon contract completion./nOUR SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:/nChurn Management / Customer Retention/nCustomer Service Interactions/nDocument Analysis and Topic Classification/nEcommerce Event Prediction/nEmail and Social Media Analysis/nFleet Telematics Event Scoring/nFulfillment and Operational Process Prediction/nIoT Sensor Event Modeling/nNetwork/Service Utilization Monitoring/nDATA SCIENCE and ML TECHNOLOGIES/nPyTorch / Tensorflow / Keras/nPython / C++ / Golang/nScikit-Learn / Pandas / Numpy / SciPy/nNLTK / Vader / Glove / Gensim / SpaCy/nLDA / NMF / PCA Topic Identification/nUnsupervised / Supervised / Reinforcement Learning/nOpen Source Ops (MLFlow, Kubeflow)/nApache Spark / Hadoop/nRDBMS / NoSQL / SQL/nGraphQL / Graphing Algorithms/nBayesian Inference/nRandom Forest / Support Vector Machines/nBoosting / Ensembles / Cross Validation/nINDUSTRY EXPERIENCE/nBusiness and Technology Management/nInternet of Things / Event & Signal Processing/nMobile Telecommunications / MVNO/nNetwork Services / Cloud / Data Center Management/nCustomer Care / Sales Service / CRM/nHealthcare / Health Information Systems/nRetail Logistics / Inventory Management/nFinancial Services / Insurance/nFederal Government / GSA/nFUNCTIONAL SERVICES/nData Science and Machine Learning/nAlgorithms and Performance Solutions/nSoftware Engineering (Python, Java, C/C++, ...)/nSolutions Development and Systems Integration/nSaaS, Distributed Platforms, APIs, Cloud Integrations/nInfrastructure Development and Management/nNetworking and Communications/nTechnology and Business Alignment/nChange Management and Process Development