
BDO Finland

This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.


BDO tarjoaa laadukkaita tilintarkastus- vero- ja neuvonantopalveluja kaikenkokoisille yrityksille julkishallinnolle ja muille yhteisِille. Toimimme koko Suomen kattavan yli 200 hengen asiantuntijaverkoston voimin. Kansainvنlisesti verkostomme 88 000 asiantuntijaa tukevat asiakkaidemme toimintaa ja menestystن 167 maassa. BDO offers high-quality accounting tax and advisory services to clients in both public and private sector as well as other communities. Our network of more than 200 professionals reaches every part of Finland. Globally our network of 88 000 experts supports the operations and success of our clients in 167 countries. @BDOFinland


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