Bell Communication AS
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
We offer everything from simple telephone answering solutions to complete outsourced advanced communication solutions, order reception, appointment booking and customer service for the entire company. In addition, we perform telemarketing services (TM) for our customers. The telephone secretary is part of Bell Communication AS and is owned by Marius Silseth and G�ran Karlsson. The company is an approved call center in accordance with VIRKE and NORDMA's approval scheme ( and is a partner in Norsk Helsenett. The telephone secretary was established in 1990. Today, we are a leader in personal answering services and switchboard service, and daily serve everything from small and medium-sized businesses to listed companies in most industries located throughout the country. If you choose the Telephone secretary's switchboard and answering services, we guarantee you improved customer service, lower costs and your customers will always receive a pleasant and professional answer. For us, your company will become a significant customer! Let our friendly telephone secretaries answer your incoming calls and customer inquiries when the company itself does not have the opportunity and carry out outgoing telemarketing so that you achieve increased sales and customer satisfaction. We offer good trial and promotional offers to new customers!