
Blusteak Media

This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.


Along with the birth of domestic PR, we have accumulated a wealth of know-how in various fields by promoting a total of 2,100 clients over the past 20 years. Providing PR solutions that meet customer needs with various areas of PR Service Tool, To derive the optimal PR result with structured PR process, It is our core competitiveness. We will not just continue to be a PR Service. In line with the changing times, we will continue to strive for new PR services and customer satisfaction that go beyond that. PR ONE conducts a comprehensive communication service along with the rapidly changing media environment. Since the birth of PR in Korea, PR ONE has promoted to a total of 2,100 clients for the past 20 years and has built rich know-how in various fields. Our core competitiveness is that we provide PR Service Tools that meet our client’s needs and create the best PR Results based on systemized PR Processes. We are not going to rely on providing a mere PR Service, but we are always going to adjust ourselves to the rapid changes of our society and offer well developed solutions that are more than just PR to satisfy our clients./nREAD MORE...

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