Bruce Clay, Inc.
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
Bruce Clay services companies around the world providing integrated digital marketing offerings including search engine optimization (SEO), PPC advertising management, content strategy and development, SEO training courses and the full-featured SEOToolSet® suite of tools. Founder Bruce Clay is known to be one of the first search engine marketers, having pioneered many SEO best practices before Google existed. Clay led the industry by authoring the SEO Code of Ethics in 1996, now translated into 18 languages./nClay co-authored Wiley Publications’ “Search Engine Optimization All-In-One for Dummies,” a comprehensive guide to the technical and marketing requirements of enhancing a business’s organic search visibility, and “Content Marketing Strategies for Professionals,” a guide to using content and SEO to generate sales and build relationships online./nThe company’s SEO training courses have taught proven “white hat” SEO methodology to thousands of people worldwide, and Bruce Clay has been the official SEO Workshop training partner at SMX search marketing conferences since 2008.