United Partners provides strategic counseling, corporate reputation, brand communications, event management, public affairs consulting and digital communications. Being an affiliate of some of the world leading PR networks and thanks to their experience and support, as well as to the great UP team, we offer our clients an in-depth analysis, individual approach and excellence in implementing their campaigns./nPUBLIC AFFAIRS/nBRAND COMMUNICATIONS/nEMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT/nDIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS/nCRISIS COMMUNICATIONS/nCORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS/nEMPLOYER BRANDING & ENGAGEMENT/nSOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES/nINFLUENCERS RELATIONS/nMEDIA TRAININGS/nCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/nINBOUND PR AND MARKETING/nCREATIVE AND PRODUCTION/nCONSUMER INSIGHTS/nEVENT MANAGEMENT/nCONTENT DEVELOPMENT/nMEDIA BUYING/nSOCIAL MEDIA LISTENING AND ANALYSIS/nWe make brands and companies loved and desired through innovative and creative communications.