We are as transparent as a web can get. That’s CANDOR about us. And as effective in netting your goals. Consider us your finger on the pulse of your customers, the stethoscope on their hearts, and the periscope into their minds. Grip on to the workings of your audiences’ minds and play on it the tune of your brand. The expertise to do that comes from living on the learning curve and the CAN DO attitude that highlights our CANDOR. Candor was established in 2011, with a clear objective of guiding companies to engage-interact with their customers and get to know real-time data on their customers / potential customer's\xa0needs, perceptions, communicate, engage, etc about their various products and service offerings. At Candor, the emphasis is on fostering\xa0closer interaction\xa0between your customers (both existing and potential) and your brand, in meaningful and\xa0mutually rewarding ways. Today’s customer is obsessed with instant gratification and minimal effort, compounded by serious competition and rising costs, means that staying\xa0one-up\xa0at all times is critical. Trust Candor to devise\xa0creative\xa0online solutions that distinguish your brand as a talking point, thus generating\xa0positive equity\xa0for your brand.\xa0/n"}