Cherry Blossom Productions makes audiovisual productions for companies and individuals.\xa0Weddings, henna parties, seminars, corporate films, personal or professional portraits: we make it for you!\xa0We only work with professional and experienced people, who often have a background in film and television productions. The company was founded in early 2009 by Monique van Dijk Armor, editor, producer, item director and camjo at various production companies and TV programs.\xa0She studied Audiovisual Journalism at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle and worked at MTV Networks, At It Productions, Endemol Nederland and Alalena Mediaprodukties, among others.\xa0She worked as editor and producer on the climate films 'Meat the Truth' and 'Sea the Truth' and on the book 'Meat the Truth - Essays on Livestock Productions, Sustainability and Climate Change'.\xa0Two of the latest documentaries in which Monique contributed are 'De Haas in the Marathon', a film about 10 years of the Party for the Animals and 'One Single Planet', in collaboration with Marianne Thieme./n"}