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We are wizards of brand image, as we can make it so that Your brand evokes smiles on client’s faces and stimulate desired emotions in your business environment. LoveBrands Relations is a communication agency, which offers clients integrated services based on traditional PR, social media channels and innovative influencer marketing & content marketing tools. We combine competencies in public relations with those of a creative boutique and know-how of a digital agency. We not only influence target groups but initiate a dialoge with them, listen to their emotions and fulfil their needs, just like the Fairy Godmother did for Cinderella. We evoke smiles of sympathy, sighs of joy, exclamations of woe. We do so both with visuals and with words, but most importantly via personal relations build both on- and off-line. Moreover via are dedicated Lovebrands Events brand, we offer clients an integrated event management service in accordance with our claim “Make visions happen”. We have dedicated ourselves to brands and companies which either already are love brands or are aspiring to become such, but still feel a bit like the ugly duckling. We also belong to 3AW a global network of independent communication agencies specializing in integrated marketing. This allows our clients to spread their wings. Our strength lies in diversity of experience and a true passion linked with personal engagement of our communication experts. LoveBrands Relations communication agency was created by outstanding experts and passionate people: strategists, visionaries, businessmen and businesswomen. Thanks to this there are no random people in our team. Each and every one of us is a true enthusiast of a job well done in a friendly atmosphere. We also feel work-life balance is important as everyone has plenty of passions & dreams. It’s thanks to them that we develop and keep stretching our limits.