Concerto was born in 2005, the result of an equal joint venture between Alchimie, a communication company, and Top Consulting & Services, an IT company. UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified, it is a medium-sized structure (130 workstations at the Rome office and 60 at the Milan office), strongly oriented towards quality, which makes one-to-one "contact" with the end customer its fulcrum, alternating the phone call with a text message, fax or e-mail, adapting to the type of caller and to the choice of the channel that does the same. The company is characterized by a very strong specialization in the automotive and non-profit sectors. Concerto offers a complete service thanks to qualified professionals with a medium-high culture (the operators are all high school graduates and often university graduates), engaged daily in the management of both front and back office activities: 60% of calls handled come from inbound services and 40% from outbound services. On the one hand, the name summarizes the company philosophy, oriented towards proceeding in line with the interests of its customers; on the other, the role that the company plays within the group, i.e. ensuring that all the contact tools available to the client company agree in a harmonious whole.