We are pleased to announce the start of our new firm – Conover Asay CPAs, PLLC (“Conover Asay”). We remain committed to the industries and clientele for which we have become trusted business advisers and are dedicated to continue servicing our valued clients seamlessly. Conover Asay has 50 years of combined accounting experience resulting in mutual values, formidable work ethic and a collective vision for the future. Unlike most CPA firms, however, Conover Asay strives to create a unique and personalized service model for every client./nWe understand that people are busy and things come up. Sometimes a small question with a quick answer is all you need. That’s why Conover Asay is modeling our new firm on the ‘Concierge Concept'. Every client has access to our cell phone numbers so they can call or text anytime and get a quicker response from us./n