HISTORY/nIn business since 1956, Contact One Call Center has supported clients’ needs for over 50 years. Currently Contact One Call Center supports clients locally, nationally, and internationally on a 24/7 basis. Contact One Call Center’s clients represent a wide variety of industry from plumbing to medical, real estate to IT, start-up to long established e-tailers./nSERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE/nRegardless of the industry or the need, Contact One Call Center knows that the most important service we can provide is excellent service. Contact One Call Center continuously monitors our call agents to ensure that our clients’ accounts are being handled correctly and professionally. Contact One Call Center is a member of the Association of TeleServices International and winner of the prestigious ATSI Award of Excellence./nTECHNOLOGY/nThings have changed tremendously since 1956 and the days of the switchboard. Nevertheless, Contact One Call Center has stayed on the leading edge of technology to ensure that we deliver the most effective and capable service possible to our clients and our clients ever changing demands. Our Microsoft SQL Database Management System ensures speed and reliability while our Oracle-based digital telephony switch with redundant T1 PRI lines handles call routing. This affords ultimate flexibility and call clarity for our clients, and our backup power supply provides emergency power to our call center allowing our agents to continue supporting our clients accounts when everyone else is in the dark. Web-based application accounts are supported by a failsafe Internet connection utilizing T1 data lines backed up by high speed DSL lines./n