Contempo HCM
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
About Contempo HCM/nContempo HCM provides payroll and human capital management solutions to meet the workforce management needs of Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona business owners. Work with Contempo HCM and outsource the risks associated with keeping up with the changing payroll and workforce management environment. We’ll help you:/nReduce your HR compliance risks,/nMitigate the need for disparate solutions by delivering a customized configurable end-to-end experience,/nEliminate paper processes and drive down the cost and complexity of managing a workforce,/nUse real-time data and immediate access to information for better decision-making,/nImprove employer-employee relationships by providing a highly intuitive and accessible solution for all parties./nOur goal is to enable you to pursue your company objectives and focus on building your business.