Escolhadigital is a Digital design & development company./nWe have been developing websites and applications for 10+ years, completing various innovate and critical projects, as well as providing consultation for high-level strategic and architectural project decisions./nAt Escolhadigital, we believe in delivering unrivaled services to help the businesses taking lead over their competitors./n/nSome well-known brands we have helped are Barkyn, Marley Spoon, Multipessoal, ?gua do Vimeiro and others./nWhy Escolhadigital?/n- Top-notch technical background/n- Direct communication with our team with no third-person involvement/n- Agile development/n- Transparency/n- Budget adapted to your needs/n/nWhat we do?/n- UI/UX Design/n- Design Research & Audit/n- Web Development/n- Mobile Development/n/nLet's build something amazing! ??"}