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WE ARE ONE OF THE LEADING PR AGENCIES IN SLOVAKIA/nAccording to the Association of Slovak PR agencies (APRSR), which ranks its members based on annual turnover of delivered PR services, Dynamic Relations occupies 2nd position while being the second largest independent PR agency in Slovakia. We are fully independent from international chain, which makes us very proud. Our intention is to work for clients, who choose our agency because they want and not because they have to./nWE ARE THE MOST AWARDED PR AGENCY IN SLOVAKIA/nWe regularly triumph at Slovak and international competitions of the best PR projects. As the first Slovak agency we won international awards among global competition at GLOBAL SABRE AWARDS and within the region at EMEA and EMEA SABRE AWARDS. Our projects have so far scored in every edition of the Slovak competition PROKOP. Learn more in the „Awards“ section./nMEMBERSHIP IN APRSR/nDynamic Relations has been a member of the Association of PR agencies in Slovakia since 2009. The association unites PR agencies operating in Slovakia and represents the interests of its members, while ensuring compliance with statutes and the APRSR Code of Ethics, Stockholm Charter ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Organization) and the Charter of IPRA (International Public Relations Association) on transparency cooperation with the media.