Fatfish is an innovative and industry-leading web and open-source software developer. We are a boutique service provider, specializing in developing end solutions for customers and enterprises in a multitude of areas from Internet services, internal systems, mobile applications, and more./nWith us, our customers enjoy the fruits of 18 years of intensive, diverse, and relevant experience accumulated through our thorough work in the field of software development./nDuring this time, we have engaged a number of clients from different specialist fields across the globe including, but not limited to, government websites, international industry-leading telecoms companies, renowned luxury automobile brands, top universities, and agricultural biochemical research firms./n We maintain contact with our past clients in order to provide them with current and up-to-date comprehensive solutions to any issues they have with their product or if they wish to optimize their service./nWe guarantee:/nRapid development times and competitive costs/nCharacterized and bespoke development of products geared to our client's specific needs and desires/nService and warranty throughout the product’s lifetime/nOur company offices are located in the heart of Jerusalem’s Technology Park, where our 15 devoted staff members working in the development, design, marketing, and management of information systems work/nD-U-N-S 531851161"}