designvox is a human-centered design firm creating experiences that move people. For over 25 years, we have helped organizations grow through branding, technology, environments, storytelling, and culture change. We believe that as designers, we play a vital role in creating the world around us through the places, objects, messages, systems, and communities we help to shape. Design that puts people first can impact lives in powerful ways. In 1994, Mike and Deecy Smith founded designvox (dih-zihyn-voks) to put that belief into practice. Our approach is based on the idea that meaningful design is fundamentally human. When we encounter business problems, people often think that the solution will be found in the “what”: maybe a new brand identity, a technology system, a product, or even just a different strategy. We believe that if you instead start with the human “why” beneath the problem, you can design a “what” with deeper impact. For decades, this approach has enabled us to help organizations and people thrive through experiences that move people./n