This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
Based in Toronto, while proudly serving a global client base, Digilite is a boutique web marketing, design and development agency that never stops pushing the boundaries of how much a company can achieve. Founded in 2006, our motivation has always been the love of digital creations and our devotion to improving people's lives through cutting edge technology and innovation remains unwavered. First and foremost, we let our work speak for itself. We position our brand of marketing as digital done right! In other words, we are no-nonsense and results-driven. From web design to strategic planning and management, Digilite goes above and beyond to ensure our clients’ online success. Today’s world shows that digital presence is most often the first impression. Our job is to make sure our clients not only make a good first impression but that they blow the doors off the place with a pristine, user-friendly platform!/n"}