This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
WHO WE ARE/nWe are an indie creative agency in Shanghai. We assist brands targeting Chinese consumers & netizens, by conceptualizing and developing tailored creative and digital solutions./nWe house a Creative Think-Tank, Activations Hub and Innovation Lab under one roof; bringing together a collective of entrepreneurs, tech innovators, storytellers, digital communications and branding specialists./nWe look beyond digital channels, seeking instead lasting ideas and narratives to reach and inspire digital native consumers within an ever-connected age. We pursue and embrace Storytelling for the Digital Age. Let us tell yours./nOUR MISSION AND VISION/nto enhance our humanity/nThrough creative communications and storytelling, we seek to inspire and perpetuate the pursuit of Human Ingenuity: what makes us creative and inspiring Beings; Individually and collectively. To safeguard us from losing touch with our humanity./nWHAT WE DO/nWe provide relevant-first creative COMMUNICATIONS solutions./nAt AEXELE, we take a highly integrated & tailored approach revolving around brand partners’ business & communication objectives; while matching them with the digital consumption habits of their core target audience./n