If you’re looking for a proven advertising method that won’t bust your budget, you can’t go wrong with a campaign in print media outlets. Whether you go for classified text ads or classified display ads, you will never be charged outrageously high prices, like those that come with other media. The rates usually hinge on how many lines, words, or sq.cm of a page are supposed to be used, but a single newspaper ad costs way less than other types of advertising with no exceptions./nIn addition to the high cost-effectiveness, Ads2Publish.com offers you:/nMassive coverage. With us, you will have your online newspaper classified ads published in a variety of India’s most widely read publications. As of now, we can place them in all leading English Dailies & vernacular dailies./nCustom targeting. To make sure your ads will reach your target audience and, thus, produce the desired results, be sure to select a placement category. You can put them under Business, Property, Recruitment, Industrial, and many other sections./nSimple booking process. Want your classifieds to appear in some top publication? All you have to do is upload the design or use ready-made templates to create a new one on our website. Preview them right there, schedule when you need to publish ads in a newspaper, pay for them, and that’s it./nFull control. At Ads2Publish.com, it’s up to you to choose everything from media outlets and placement categories to the format and size of your ads. We also offer many custom options and provide our services for clients all over the world.