We specialize in everything that has to do with customers and contact. As a Business Process Outsourcer (BPO), we take over those parts of your value chain where customer contact takes place. We form the basis with our expertise, years of experience and smart Tech solutions. Our vision is that as a company you can only make a difference during human customer contact. And that is only possible if you really put your employees (we call them our Members) at the center of your organization. No good Customer Experience without a good Member Experience. Combine empowerment, meaning and reliable processes with data and knowledge and you get personal and enterprising customer contact. This is how we make the difference. That is what EBOS stands for. With no fewer than 170 Ebos Members in Luxembourg, we deliver an optimal customer experience every day. Our core values ??Reliable, Digital, Personal and Entrepreneurial are central to this. With our expertise in the field of Recruitment, we can select the perfect employees for every company: our Members! We train them in our Ebos Digital Campus. Ebos has a unique combination of customer contact services: Outsourcing and Insourcing. IWe also have Near- & Offshore locations in Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Suriname. We know which solutions fit the mission and vision of our Partners and we deliver tailor-made solutions. Do you also want to be part of our Journey? We are happy to be your Partner in customer contact!