
Far Rainbow S.R.L.

This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.


AROBS Transilvania Software is European by birth, International by culture and a top Romanian software company. It is expanding since 1998, as it started as an IT outsourcing company in its early years and became a reliable partner in offshore and nearshore software services projects./nAROBS is an IT solution provider of ready-to-use systems and tailor-made software based on the latest technologies for extremely competitive industries such as Automotive Engineering, Embedded for Aerospace, Marine and Medical, Travel Software, Hospitality Solutions, Life Sciences, Home Automation Systems, Fintech, IoT, and Enterprise - Cloud application development./nAROBS is one of the very few Romanian-owned companies that boldly expand in Europe and Asia through acquisitions and new market conquests./nAROBS has developed its own products line for domestic and international markets in Telematics (TrackGPS, SAS Grup, Skyshield), Business Optimization - Optimall suite and Softmanager, HR-focused - UCMS by AROBS and it is a strong player in consumer electronics distribution./nAt the moment, +1100 employees and collaborators work in AROBS offices in 9 countries: Romania, the USA, the UK, Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Republic of Moldova, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and Belgium./nIts 25 years of experience helped us develop an impressive offer of project expertise that recommends us as a preferred partner for outsourcing in Romania./nOur TechZones are:/nMICROSERVICES ARCHITECTURES/nAI/nCLOUD-BASED SOLUTIONS/nAUTOMATION/nBLOCKCHAIN/nCONTINUOUS DELIVERY/nELASTICSEARCH/nDevOps/nML/nBIG DATA/nCYBERSECURITY/n


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