Fintelics Technology Inc.
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
MENA Software will help you to scale from technology consulting to making your business idea a reality./nWe base our services on agility, quality and reliable infrastructure solution tailored for your business. We focus on the latest technology & help companies reach their goals with impactful & trust-worthy expertise. Our mission is really simple - to empower you with a truly end-to-end solution and profssional approach towards your business success./n MENA Software offer a wide variety of projects from business and product development to enterprise systems and applications. We can support our client at any stage during a project, performing technical due diligence and audits./nBlockchain Development/nSmart Contracts & Security Audits/nProduct Development/nApplication Development/nDApps Development/nUI/UX and Visual Design/nTechnology Consulting/nEnterprise Systems Development/nBusiness Presentation:/n