We play in the same team and equip you with software tools TODAY for the smart tomorrow./n/nExpertise in VDI, Mobility and AgTech./n/nWe provide high-quality services remotely since 2004. Our accumulated experience ensures processes’ smoothness, particularly under the COVID-19 circumstances./n/nWe have certified Scrum masters; all teams actively apply Agile methodologyin their daily processes../nTechnological strengths: C# (.NET), PHP, Java, Angular, React, Azure, AWS, etc./n/nGrowth directions: blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning, BigData./nLong-term oriented collaboration. We smoothly develop some of our client’s project’s for 5+, 7+or even 10+ years. To compare, their in-house employees stay in a company only for 3-5 years on average./n/nWe speak “human language” too./nREAD MORE...