Genstar Development Company
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Top 4 key benefits of EMMA RPA in an overview:/n1.) Required Training: Non-IT employees can automate simple processes after 30 min - 1 hour & very complex processes after 2 days of training./n2.) Process Implementation Time Benchmark: e.g. RPA Challenge ( implementation time: ? 30 min - 4 hours (RPA beginners solve the challenge on day 2 of EMMA training/n3.) Process Automation Monitoring and Maintenance: Cost Cut: 80 - 90% compared to other RPA projects/n4.) Generated Documentation: Revision Proof, automated reports/n Best for:/nCompanies of all sizes and industries (small, mid-size and large enterprises) for business process automation as well as test automation. Optional hardware for automating touch-devices and cockpits./n Special:/nWe offer free RPA consulting for you in order to quickly enable you to automate your business processes or to do End2End testautomation for your systems:/nRPA Beratung - WIANCO OTT Robotics/nWe are a German Vendor and fully GDPR compliant./nEMMA - Go Automatic./n