This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
The company was founded in February 2006 under the name TBI Contact Center EAD as a subsidiary of the financial group TBI Bulgaria. At the end of 2007, 100% of the shares of the company were acquired by Tikshoov Group, the largest contact center services provider in Israel. In autumn 2009 the company was taken over by Vienna Insurance Group through TBI Bulgaria AD and ZAD Bulstrad Vienna Insurance Group, which share equally 50%. In 2014 the company joins a project for creating the biggest assistance group in CEE. In relation to this it rebrands and changes it's name from Vienna Insurance Group Contact Center Bulgaria JSC to GLOBAL SERVICES BULGARIA JSC. Ever since along with the proven in time Contact Center services it successfully develops various types of assistance services with the same quality and professionalism GLOBAL SERVICES BULGARIA JSC is part of Vienna Insurance Group. Vienna Insurance Group is a leading Austrian insurance group in Central and Eastern Europe. Out of the border of the national Austrian market, Vienna Insurance Group is represented by approximately 50 insurance companies in 25 countries. GLOBAL SERVICES BULGARIA JSC provides Assistance services and outsourced customer services through inbound and outbound calls for various industries � financial sector, insurance, telecommunications and others. Leading goal in our work is to gain a competitive advantage through professional contact center services like customer care, help desk, telesales, debt collection, market researches, back office services, assistance services, management of data base and others services on request. The mission of GLOBAL SERVICES BULGARIA JSC is to provide best services in the management of business processes and high quality of customer services through a professionally trained team, leading-edge technologies, constant monitoring and performance analysis.