We are one of the leading communication agencies in Lithuania and an affiliate of a major global PR & comms group BCW | Burson Cohn & Wolfe. We're proud of our award-winning creative ideas and effective, results-driven communication. We employ the most effective international practices which enable us to evaluate threats and opportunities, define expectations and future results, choose case-proved communication means. We make headlines. We have a rule: always straight to the point. That�s the approach to everything we put our heads to, so we don�t waste neither our clients� nor their audience�s time with long stories, unnecessary details or excuses. Innovative digital solutions complement our upgraded and integrated take on traditional PR, which is the base for delivering successful results. We offer headline services to communicate the essence of your brand. Sometimes all you need is the right headline and that is what we�re here for. HEADLINE. For your headlining performance.