Our agency is located in the city of Kharkov and specializes exclusively in employment in Poland. We are not a “conveyor” and are not trying to “fill” Polish vacancies with thousands of people.\xa0Our main task is to ensure your safety, so we check every employer (including his reputation, history and reviews) and every vacancy (working conditions, place of work and housing) on ??the spot. The agency is not afraid to make commitments.\xa0We do not work under contracts for the provision of "consulting services", our contract guarantees the employment of the client and the full fulfillment by the agency of its obligations.\xa0With us you will be protected from unjustified fines and deductions from wages that are so often encountered when working Ukrainians in Poland. We have one office in which almost our entire team is assembled.\xa0The agency refused to open new offices: the absence of representative offices, the work of which is difficult to control, stably guarantees the highest level of service.\xa0Our customer reviews confirm this./n