Critec was born in 2003 in ?gueda, central Portugal. Our activity focuses on brand activation through branding and advertisement services and technological communication products. We provide services to different business sectors and our biggest clients apart from the public sector are ceramics, hardware, cycling, commerce and service companies./nDuring our career we have been awarded several prizes, namely the Innovation Prize by the Trade Association of ?gueda and the Lusophone Creativity Prize for the work carried out within “Projeto 5”./nWe work for many internationally renowned brands, such as Revigrés and Margrés in the field of ceramics, we also developed the new graphic image of ?rbita – the oldest Portuguese bicycle brand – and all the graphic image and digital communication of Agit?gueda, a local festival with international projection./nWe sell, rent, manage and develop diverse technological products such as LED panels, touch-screen billboards, transparent screens and other technological products for brand communication and activation./nlet’s grow together./n