Vermont strategically places its customers at the Center of Decisions, as we understand that the customer should be at the Center of Attention. With that established, the company believes that it is simpler to interpret the market from its desires and perspectives. Vermont XCenter: Center for modern interactions that promote relationship experiences. Contact Center solutions that rely on technological advances in customer service and adapt to the needs of an increasingly demanding and connected consumer; Technology Solutions: Conceived through a portfolio ranging from software factory, mapping and modeling of business processes (BPM) to Service and Help Desk. With technical skills and advanced programming languages. Our goal is to incorporate Technology into our business as a differential in our deliveries; Infrastructure: With proven expertise and know-how for building and maintaining large-scale work sites, Vermont is a pioneer in this type of solution. With compatible infrastructure, and managed Help Desk services, on 24x7 scales, managed preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance services, allow Vermont a high degree of knowledge and availability, as well as the quality to offer solutions like this to the market. Vermont believes that only customization can become a valuable source of data and strategic information for customer decision-making.