What company isn't looking for more leads, customers, deals and growth? Everyone wants to grow, but this turns out to be a huge challenge in times when everyone is online. Many companies have lost track of the 8,000+ available digital sales and marketing tools. Companies overwhelmed by the endless possibilities, fierce competition and rapid development. How do you attract the right target group? How do you connect the potential customer to your organization and how do you stimulate conversion? Leapforce helps companies by selecting the latest and correct tools. This is then experimented with, measured and automated, in order to make data-driven decisions. All this helps the customer to become more visible, attract more leads and efficiently convert these leads into customers and deals. Leapforce does this based on the Leapforce flywheel of growth hacking philosophy. It covers techniques, tools and topics related to advertising, social media, content, SEO, websites, CRM, sales, marketing automation, service and loyalty, data and integrations. This is how we maximize your company's digital growth!