
MATT Consulting a.s.

This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.



We are Headhunting. Executive search and consulting company that provides services in filling senior positions Top Management (Board) Top Management (B-1 B-2). We offer services in the following areas: executive search/headhunting outplacement and management consulting. We have 15+ years of experience in filling managerial positions in the following areas: FMCG retail IT telco energy consulting services (financial and legal) production and logistics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sme executive search spolocnost ktorل poskytuje slu\u200dby pri obsadzovanي seniَrnych pozيcii – Top executive (Board) Senior management (B-1 B-2). Mلme dlhorocné skْsenosti v odvetviach: Finance (Banking Insurance Leasing Real estate) Consumer (FMCG Retail) Communications (Marketing PR Public/Government Affairs) Technology (IT Telecom) Energy/Utilities Professional services (Finance Legal HR SSC) Industrial (Production Logistics Construction).

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