OUR GUARANTEE: $150,000+ Revenue in 60 days - OR YOU DON'T PAY/nSINCE 2005: Media Contour is an international, award-winning CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION agency focused on increasing your revenue and profits while DECREASING YOUR AD SPEND./nIncrease customer LTV/nImprove customer satisfaction/nHigher average order value/nIncrease revenue/nIncrease customer loyalty/nBetter ROAS/nHigher profit margins/nWe've helped businesses improve user experience ranging from small-scale tweaks with big results to full-scale UX projects and redesigns. /nThings to expect (based on past results):/n+25% conversion rate increase/n+$Millions in additional revenue/n+2x ROAS increase/nIn general, expect your cost of generating a lead to decrease while your profits increase./nKey Clients:/nLifepro Fitness/nUniversity of Southern California/nIrishcentral.com/nFedReceiver, Inc./nDeadlines.com/nDarwinCX/n"}