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Branding and design for a better connection with your customer. We are your creative agency in Amsterdam creating your growth. Based on 'design thinking' we develop your digital branding and help you innovate your online brand. Through MIAX we share our love for trends, design, code and the latest innovations in branding. We focus on realizing your digital branding objectives with measurable results. Who we are Professionals with a passion for image, typography, sound, code and innovations of the last hour. We build and maintain your brand. MIAX helps your organization communicate successfully with your customers, employees, partners and other involved parties. Our goal is to increase brand value and create growth through application of successful branding & design solutions. Why MIAX + Both strategy and production + Full-service agency + Specialists and digital natives with 10+ years of experience + Always near and fast communication + Driven enthusiastic staff + Modern work methods with your preferable online tools Make Interact Attract Xperience/n"}