We are a software development outsourcing company with\xa08+ years in business\xa0and\xa0200+ successful projects. We at Mifort are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best cost- and time-effective software solutions tailored to their needs. Being a remote-first company allows us to have engineers all over Europe and Asia. We understand the challenges from balancing software quality and cost to cutting the communication gap between software companies and clients. 90% of our senior specialists were raised through our internal Technical Excellence Centers so your project will be held by close-knit expert teams We use our Machine Learning engine to match developers with project needs, enabling us to put together a development team within 24 hours of your request submission Our internal guild of architects collaborates to find the best architecture for the project before the start of work, which guarantees exceptional results in the end Partner with Mifort today to get software solutions tailored to meet your business needs./n