Multi Resource Marketing
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
When it comes to Promotional Marketing and its associated services, we like to think we know a thing or two. After all, we’ve been doing it for a quarter of a century! As a long established and reliable partner to brands and agencies, we provide a proactive and helpful account management team to help work through your objectives. Technology is at the heart of everything we deliver - from live online reporting through to multi-currency cashback platforms and ecommerce websites, we utilise the latest technology to deliver efficiencies in handling and transparency of our operation. From government departments through to utility companies, well-loved charities and across to ecommerce start up businesses, MRM provides a flexible approach - allowing you to focus on your brand, while we take care of the detail behind the scenes. For\xa0the team here at MRM\xa0it's all about how to help a brand to\xa0drive sales, manage logistics - using the power of our people, our processes and our technology. Our people are drawn from a variety of commercial backgrounds including agency, experiential, SEO and logistics. We do the research on new trends, digital solutions and effective ways of working...because page load times, delivery deadlines, currency conversion rates, promotional compliance and product nesting really do matter./n"}