Neat & Proper is a Digital Performance Marketing Agency, based in Athens. What really makes us stand out from the crowd, is our personnel. People with experience and genuine passion for what they�re doing. Whether that�s SEO, SEM, Web Design & Development, Content Marketing, or Social Media Management. We strongly believe that the field of digital marketing needs more people, who really love what they�re doing. Not only that, but also people, who want to succeed at their jobs. People who want to be the best version of themselves. Not because they have to, but because that�s their own personal goal. For most marketers out there, success is directly linked to a profitable and fruitful campaign. Things are much less complicated in our case : �Success means getting the results our client needs� Taking a step forward, growing their business, increasing their profitability. At the end of the day, that�s what matters to them the most. And it�s the same thing that matters the most to us. Our goal for the future, is to keep Digital Marketing in Greece, constantly evolving and growing. We truly wish for more and more businessmen, using it and recognising it as a helpful tool, that�s going to help them grow their business. In every new venture, in every new collaboration, our only goal, is to bring in the best results possible. Results that mean a great deal to our clients, their target audience and of course� to us. We like Challenges. Let's Work Together: