At Mindster, we excel in creating solutions that match our client’s visions. That is why we are a trusted partner of renowned brands like Edenred, ONEIC, Tanseeq, Oman Air, and others./nWith more than a decade of experience in the app development industry, we have delivered around 500+ applications successfully. Our client base is spread across four continents - Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. With the wisdom of our experience, we know exactly what it takes to transform our client's vision to reality and we are well-equipped for the same./nOur strong and dedicated team of 50+ employees is our backbone. They ensure that we provide the best to our clients- not just in terms of cutting-edge technology, but also in terms of efficient customer service. We are a passionate, creative, and hardworking team and that is what makes us one of the top mobile app development companies in India./nWe believe in putting clients first. We listen to their ideas, communicate openly, value their feedback, and incorporate it continues to improve the solutions. We make sure to deliver what our clients desire./n Technologies We Excel In/nMobile App Development:/nFlutter (Android & iOS App)/nKotlin (Android)/nJava (Android)/nSwift (iOS)/nCustom Web Applications:/nPHP Frameworks:/nLaravel/nYii2/nZend/nPython Django/nServerless solutions using Firebase Cloud/nOur Top Service Offerings/nMobile strategy/nIdeation, prototyping, and competitor analysis/nUser interface and user experience/nNative and Hybrid mobile app development/nWeb/CMS development/nCustom Application Development/nOur Popular Solutions/nLoyalty Systems/nE-Wallet Integration Solutions/nOn-Demand Taxi/Truck, similar location-based applications/nClassified applications/nAppointment applications/nBusiness Domain Expertise/nE-Wallet Integrator/nExchange House & Remittance /nUtility Payment Services/nOn-Demand Fleet Management Solutions /nEnterprise Business Applications/n"}