We are DAS Solutions and we design, develop and build highly functional software products. We accelerate your business' growth via innovative ideas and software that works./nWe are obsessed with finding solutions to reduce costs, minimize human error and ultimately maximize profit. We started with the vision that everything would go digital. This core philosophy stands at the center of everything we build./nThe solutions we build and the experiences we create help companies connect with its audience, create winning strategies, and drive revenues. We embrace change and leverage the transformative power of technology to support businesses and their growth./nTechnologies and Frameworks we are skilled at:/n? Mobile: Android Jetpack, Cordova, Dagger, Glide, Ionic Framework, Koin, OkHttp, Retrofit, Room./n? Web: Angular, AngularJS, Ember.js, Express, LoopBack, Mocha, NestJS, Vue.js, React, Chai, Helmet, Mongoose, Sequelize, Node.js, TypeORM./n? Java: Akka, Gson, GlassFish, Hibernate, Jackson, Spring, WildFly./n? .NET: Autofac, Automapper, Dapper, Entity Framework, FastReport, FluentValidation, Hangfire, Itext, Json.NET, MailKit./n? Platform & Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Git, MindMeister, Lucidchart, PlantUML, Postman, Sharepoint, TestLink, ZAP, Nginx, Zabbix, Swagger, Camunda./n? Databases & MQs: Cassandra, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redis, Tarantool, SQLite, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, Kafka./n? Languages: JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, C#, Objective-C, Swift./n? DevOps: Kubernetes, Docker, LXC, Ansible, Azure, IIS, iptables, HAProxy, Helm, Logstash, Kibana./nHere is the list of industries, in which we have the highest proficiency:/nInsurance/nFinance & Banking/nEcommerce/nTelecommunications/nHealthcare And Pharmaceuticals/nTransportation/nTravel And Booking/nBusiness Management/nRetail/nReal Estate/nAgriculture."}